About Us
About Umbrella Au Pairs

Meet LISA!
CEO and Founder of Umbrella Au Pairs!
Lisa is an industry expert. Having been an au pair herself for many years now, she has looked after children of almost all ages - from newborn babies to teenagers. Because of her great service, she was headhunted by an au pair recruitment agency to work as a recruiter and made that her full-time job.
She realised that that is actually her passion; finding the right au pair/nanny for the right family. She saw that it is not as easy as just hiring a random person with minimal experience and trusting them with your children, so she sought to be the one to find the perfect matches between families and their au pairs/nannies.
A true entrepreneur, she has always dreamed of having her own successful business. So she took the leap and founded Umbrella Au Pairs. This was the perfect opportunity! The demand for highly experienced caretakers is extremely high, but for families to find these caretakers on their own can be tricky.
Lisa started Umbrella Au Pairs from her home in Pretoria and recently moved to a small town called Great Brak River in the Western Cape. It is a dream of hers to have children of her own, but right now her priority is Umbrella Au Pairs, its families, its candidates and its growth.
So, Lisa does it all for you! Advertising, interviewing, vetting, contractual work etc. and then sending through perfectly curated profiles of suitable candidates, meaning families have the luxury of choosing. Without Lisa's services, there is no accountability when it comes to hiring a caretaker.
What motivates her is to find a perfect, trustworthy, experienced, match for each family, and through that, create job opportunities too.
She truly enjoys what she does and puts in all the effort to deliver exquisite service.
When working with Umbrella Au Pairs, you won't be disappointed.